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http://aquarium.intopet.com 日期:2007-4-15 来源:观赏鱼之家 作者:无法忘记 阅读:
fish backs and the rear conclusion of the fin 90° at least is to amount to. }=aq

  Overlapping of the dorsal fin over the fish body or the caudal fin is not desired. The width of the dorsal fin at their highest point should not exceed the width of the anal fin in their broadest place.

  Caudale (caudal fin)

  The caudal fin should be very broad in the basis and should be able to be spread at least 180° (half moon form), many rays are desired. From the total angle should refer in each case half to the upper and half to the lower part of the fin. The first and last ray should run straight, without curvature, and form a straight edge. They should not be bent as the edge of the fin is reached. The only allowed exception is an easy curvature of the outside rays outward in case of an Overhalfmoon. The rays should form an even semi-circle and should not have any spikes or intentions. An easily corrugated fin border is permitted. The fin volume is to be stretched completely (not too many rays and/or too much skin between the rays, no pleating) when the fish flairs.

  The length of the caudal fin should correspond with the width of the basic approach of the dorsal fin and not exceed in the upper border over the width of the dorsal fin. The lower part of the caudal fin should end at half of the anal fin.

  Anal (anal fin)

  The anal fin should be full and broad with many rays leaving the body. The anal fin should set up at the highest point of the body and run then easily sloping up to the body end. The broadest place of the anal fin should be divided by the caudal fin on half height, when the fish flairs.

  Ventrals (ventral fins) .

  Both ventral fins should be present and should be full and equal or longer than the anal fin. They should be straight and not curled or bent. They should be in their entire length as broadly as possible.

  Additionally to the fins also the form of th

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